January 30, 2009

"Goin' to Miami"

Welcome to Miami Beach*

Crashing at our hotel*

...and we had a TV!! 

Haha...so happy for nothing;) 

This guy met us in the mornings
with different outfits every hour of
the day...
...So much for entertainment!!

Miami Beach is superchill*


Linda with the stand showing
of the art "Neon-Pop".

On every corner you'll be jumped
by "dreamers"..
...all they want is for you to 
hear their music..
or buy their demos!

We gave him a 1 $ donation* 

Ok, time for Linda to get her tattoo...
Ready girl??

Some homies looking for some 
personal design*

Hmmm...Here we go girl!! 

It turned out REAL nice! 

FINALLY I got my glass of milk..
The milk-monster is back;) 

All day there's parades of different kinds...
"Let me entertain you!"
(Robbie Williams)

You know, just chilling...

Miami Ink was one of our closest 

Checking out the crew.

So much for fame and money...
The line of tattoo-hungry peeps
was long...
But the place nothing special...haha...

Sorry guys, better on the tv-screen*


South Beach Show*

South Beach is the perfect stage for performers of all kind!
Singers, artists, actors, comedians...
...and last but not least dancers!! 

Bring it to the streets*

This afternoon these funky boys made their
way down to the beach to
bring some flavour and 
give people a good time! 

Little did I know that I should
be a part of it...haha...
....But still not shocked when they dragged 
me up on stage...

It was time to do the wave!!!

(You see me?? haha...Second from the right...)

Thanks & goodbye Miami.

We did enjoy the show.

Jamaica next*

January 16, 2009

Ciao for now*

The time has come to an end here in
Dominican Republic...At least for now*

It´s time for the chicas to fly again...

Local breaky at the corner of
El Paco....
Back in business in Santo Domingo*

Linda a la Coffee con leche*

Hmmmm....City life?
Plastic Fantastic...No thanks!!
Where is the ocean??

Found it;)

Not exclusive, but the breeze is divine*

Some peeps do it bikini-style,
others military-style...haha!
I have NO idea what he was doing there!!

With this local fan-club I say,
"Goodbye Dom Rep,
Good morning Miami!"

Hasta luego*

January 15, 2009

Livin Las Terrenas*

Giving you all a taste of our Las Terrenas memories*

Our cute little bungalow at La Tortuga.
Supercozy for us....
...and all the cockroaches...aaahhhh!

The view that puts your heart
to peace an early mornin*

Fresh caribbean breaky...
Juice, fruits, black coffee & sandwiches!

The daughter of the owners...
A real bonita*

The highway didnt exactly lead
to our hotel, but I mean lets do
this local style*

Two minutes walk from our hotel the
life of the village was always buzzing...
Early mornings & late night...
Never sleeping*

La piña*

Fancy the art*

Mr Cool doing his thing...haha!
"Special price..."

Outdoor gallery*

You like?

The smiles of people reach you
From the corners of the streets,
from the rooftops, the restaurants
and the small shops...*

La Playa*


...and cruisin*

Meet you here??

YES I looove this!!

The Caribbean culture is
as chill as a hammock...

NYC has their taxi culture...
so does Las Terrenas...hehe!!
Let´s drive moped-style...
the more people on one, the better!!

The village is full of cute dogs
and this lil puppy won my heart over!

The local spot a la playa...
always somethin goin on!

A handful of small "chikos" hangin...
Windsurfing or kiting next!

Fly like a fish...??
"No comprende!"

JUst cathing up on the local gossip;)

Hola Amigos!!

David the charmer...haha*
Any of you girls want me to send
him in the mail with some coconuts?? ;)

Some of the kids doing shoe-shining
for a living...But man, they had style*

I love Richard & he loves my Ipod...haha*

Fransesco "Johnny" doing his pose*

Haha...good times rollin*

Our daily spot...

...with local flavour*

Yes it does fit, but....
"Thanks, but no thanks!"

Linds beach-style*

Free taxi?? Of course:)
Thanks Joan!!

Me & Linds checkin life "out there"...
With the merengue & bachata tickling
our ears, good friends (Thanks Nelson!)
and air con breeze, not to bad*

Girls- times just makes a girl smile...

"Same Same But different"

Being a lady is an attitude*

Saturday night dinner at an art restaurant*

I love her!!!

Pina Colada*

Ok, it´s time to get the REAL rythm
going on!!
Taking it to the studio with a pro...

The scandies doing their bachata...*

Thanks Bolivar!

The three Bandidos*

The dancestudio as a local
hang out spot...
All inclusive*

Mr Reggeaton doing his thing!
Work it Tito*

An early morning of personal time...
Me & my Ipod taking a walk*

"I´m a survivor"
(Destiny´s child)


I know I make friends easily,
but here it´s really nemas problemas..
Haha...I found some random boys
that cracked me up this morning...
Wanna meet them??

Mr Marco & Mr Anthony,
you´re the best team!!
PS, And thanks for the ride back*

The Two*

"A good friend makes the
memories live forever"