Welcome to Miami Beach*

Crashing at our hotel*

...and we had a TV!!
Haha...so happy for nothing;)

This guy met us in the mornings
with different outfits every hour of
the day...
...So much for entertainment!!

Miami Beach is superchill*


Linda with the stand showing
of the art "Neon-Pop".
of the art "Neon-Pop".

On every corner you'll be jumped
by "dreamers"..
...all they want is for you to
hear their music..
or buy their demos!
We gave him a 1 $ donation*

Ok, time for Linda to get her tattoo...
Ready girl??

Some homies looking for some
personal design*
personal design*

Hmmm...Here we go girl!!

It turned out REAL nice!

FINALLY I got my glass of milk..
The milk-monster is back;)

All day there's parades of different kinds...
"Let me entertain you!"
(Robbie Williams)