This post is dedicated to a very special person.
People have given him many names.
And he's loved by many people.
Daniel, dan the man, dandan,
Mr Bean, Mr Roseberry,
Mr Rasberry, Mr designer..
the list is kinda long
but that's not what's important.

Among friends I know he'll always be Big Papa*

Truly a girl's best friend!!

Granola, creamy honey & yoghurt...
Beyonce, Whitney & Mariah...
Daniel & his cigarettes...
Perfect company*

Such a BIG eater, but no one knows NYC food better than Dan!

Daniel is working for a NY designer, Thom Browne.
(Google it!!)
Time to celebrate one of his other designer friends...
Happy b-day Kate!!

.Jill & Kate.

.Linda & Jake.

.Dan & Chris.

Trying for once to be serious...haha...
NOT good at it!!

This guy is dangerously funny!!
Thanx for the cramps Jake!! :)

To bad he's gay Ladies...
Everybody loves our Dan!!

Chillin in la crib...Doing nada de nada!

"Take a rest;
a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop!"

(Big mama attitude!)

"A brother is a friend God gave you;
A friend is a brother your heart chose for you".

"The Panda-bear"
(According to B.P)

"Trufaste bror"
(Daniel speaking his swedish quotes...
american die for!!)

Golden memos*

"With my sunglasses on I'm Jack Nicholson.
Without them I'm fat and 60!"
(Jack Nicholson)
"Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church.
They're scared God might recognize them
and ask for autographs!"
(Fred Allen)
"That's our thing.
We have sunglasses for everything!!"
(Amber Bryan)

"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind!"

"Become your dream!"
NYC taking it to the streets*

.Daily walking his dream.

Coconut Groove asap, pls.
Drop the sweater.
Bring the Big Papa shorts.
I mean it.

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,
but what you want is someone who will take the
bus with you when the limo breaks down!"
(Oprah Winfrey)
Hey daniel! When you get famous and rich,
call me when your limo breaks down...
I'll be your PBD (Personal Bus Driver)
and bring your fanclub! know I love you!!

When you wish time stood still,
it's moving way to fast.
You can never turn back time,
but the memories lives in hearts
until the very last beat.
Moments of emotions.
I think that's what best friends are for*