October 10, 2010

You are looking at me with eyes of sadness.
You say you don't know where to go, what to do and that you couldn't care less!
Your parents left you to yourself to take care of whatever would come your way.
You tell me "It's easy for you to say!"

You are looking at me with eyes of anger.
You've been fighting and stealing, you live in a world of danger.
Your days are filled with elbowing and pushing your way forward.
Your image & style is your shield and your sword.
You are fighting to prove that you're something and somebody...
But your eyes tell me your feel like a nobody!

You are looking at me with eyes of emptiness.
To you "love" is an undefined finesse.
You never been told that you are loved, rare to find...
That you are special, wanted and one of a kind.
You told me once your mom doesn't care...
Where you are, if you get enough to eat, go to school, steal, sleep or what you wear!

You are looking at me with eyes of tiredness and fear.
You look at me weird when I call you "my dear"!
Cause you never get to relax, lean back or put your guard down.
You don't get to be the child that you are, play, climb trees or just for fun get out of town!
You never learned how to swim, go fishing or wrestle with a father or hero.
You never just been hold tight, and your scale of feeling loved is on the number ZERO!
You never went to bed feeling safe, you have nightmares and you feel like a mess.
You wake up with the constant fear of rejection and stress...

You are looking at me with eyes of wonder.
You wonder why I see you, why I'm here and why I care.
You wonder why I make you food, ask about school,
life, your friends and what makes you feel cool!
You wonder why you make me laugh, why I wanna hang out, go longboarding or dance.
Why I do sports with you...
Why I ask what YOU wanna do!

You wonder why I try to make you DREAM,
why I challenge you to choose,
choose who you wanna be...


Pics & Text ©hrissie*

1 comment:

  1. TRUE!!! I totally hear you my loved one! Sophy
