the day we had been waiting for...
almost to long!

This is what we had in mind, what we dreamed for, though of...
But somehow we weren´t quite there...yet!!
This journey started one early mornin in Oslo,
2 girls bouncing the stairs with the heaviest suitcases you can imagine...belive me!!
Those poor neighbours...
It was rushed...way to rushed!!

So finally at the trainstation in time,
I looked at myself...haha
the suppost-to-be comfy and flexible pants I´m wearing
looked like grandpa diapers!!!
Oh well...No wonder people was staring...
I thought it was my suitcase.. haha!!
(Btw, my suitcase had over 10 kg overweight...
Didnt have to pay a penny..Thanks mr Jesus!)
"Freedom to go, freedom to stay"
It was time to get what I what I always want in the middle of the night,
Coffee & Licorice*
Better enjoy that very last piece of norwegian quality...

Highly valued*

Def my favourite sport!!

We had to step by London...and of course Starbucks was a must-do*
I have NO idea where that energy came from...
After over 24 hours of travelling,
playing dead bananas come around very easily...
At least for me!

And being a dead banana in Miami
you draw lots of attention...haha...
A "lady" cant stop staring
so we just have to start talking to her...
And by this time the plane is delayed about 3 hours already...
hmmm NOT funny.
Dalinda is in total SHOCK that we´re to take a taxi alone
to the hotel when arriving in Santo Domingo,
and by the way her private driver is picking her
and her husband up...
OF COURSE they´ll drop us off at our hotel.
By that time it´s 4 in the morning, we are
in the ghetto, all we can see are wild dogs,
gangsters and smoke.
Again, thanks mr Jesus.
The view from our hotel window,
that it took an hour driving to find
in the wilderness of Santo Domingo´s
Welcome to the Caribbean*
Not jealous at all..... #¤*?§!#¤%