Leaving Kingston, this was our goal;

a small town
(west part of Jamaica)

We wished we drove this car...

...but we drove this car!!
The breaks broke half way around the island.
for the free ride!
with us in the trunk...:)

"We're jammin,
I wanna jammin with you.
We're jammin,
and I hope you like jammin to"

Mr Cash Money*

YES we are still enjoying
eachother's company!!
Good times for REAL*

Ehhh, the place we stayed wasn't exactly
the hilton.
All we did was to brush our teeth...
but who "glue" their sink
on a wall??

"Errol's" was a cute guesthouse though!

Our hosts Garfield & Andre*

Jerk chicken is Jamaica's national food:
Anywhere, Anytime!!
No seriously...

Good times rolling*

Street style jerk chicken*

"Want some grass?"
I mean, the opening / pick up lines
a la Jamaica aren't exactly
But seriously, they'll throw it
after you...
"You want it, we got it!"

"Anybody want some FRUUUUUIT!!"
We learned to LOVE this lady!
Man she had some style*
"Living at the Coco side of life"
Miss Mango*
At Ricks on the rocks they gave
us the "light" / tourist version raggae...
The sight that makes your
soul sensitive
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