I did it!!
Back in Scandi-land after a
VERY interesting journey...
And finally the fearless duo,
Chris & Linds!!

Peeps, I'm HOME!

A lil jetlag, but hey that's the charm...

Tourists for lifeee*

Yes everybody,
I dont know which one is
more 'Norwegian'?? :)

Velkommen hjem!

Shopper's paradise...

Karl Johan Ave.
Oslo's main street.

Meet you on the corner*


...and moments in the sun*

Summer & Spring
Fragrances & Flings

Half n Half
/The best of both/


Roomie & Brother PH
Per Henrik aka Rayman

YES I am cooking...

...but I dont know.
We're both kinda simple...

Girls time catching UP!

Never try to stay serious
for to long...haha

Oh I LOVE life!!

One Big Happy Family*

Back to stay.
For a lil while.
Christina du ser så himla fräsch ut!! Du strålar:)