Sunday after church,
we jumped on a ride out to Guguletu
township for a real bbq party
at the M'zolis*

It's a whole day event...
2am to 8 pm and you're entertained
at all times!!

Sunday parade*

We went for a walk around the

...but were told by these locals
that stayin in this area for to long
could make us either raped, shot at
or something worse...

I guess no whites EVER walk
in this hood...

But the people are so beautiful...

...the kids are so alive...

...the old ladies make you crack up

...they have good stories you never
heard before...

...small boys break your heart...

...and make you wanna take them all home;)

The every sunday party is BIG!!
And the taste of their special meat makes
water run in your mouth...

People are EVERYWHERE!

Found this girl in a hopeless try to find
a toilet...

People, music, cars, rythms, smells...
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